Why purchase?
This section does not apply to the Mac App Store edition of DaisyDisk.
We believe in our users. You can always download a demo version of DaisyDisk and have the job done without being forced to make a purchase.
We’re keeping the app’s price at minimal possible level and DaisyDisk can save you hundreds of dollars on purchasing a new HDD or SSD disk, so why not support further development and buy a license?
Registration benefits
- No “nag-screens” or registration reminders.
- All functions, including in-app deletion, are available.
- Free updates.
- Personal e-mail support by application developers, people who care and can help.
- A single license can be applied to all of your personal Macs.
- Our thanks for supporting indie developers.
Licensing policy
- A single DaisyDisk license can be used on any number of your personal Macs.
- You like Mac App Store, but want to have access to all advanced features? Just write us to get a free complimentary license…
- Commercial usage (offices, schools, support services, etc.) require 1 license per Mac. Need a volume discount? Write us…
- Legacy editions (for Macs running OS X 10.5 or 10.6) are available to all customers at no charge.
If you don’t have a license yet, you can purchase it in our online store or Mac App Store, whatever you prefer. Feel free to contact our support if you have any questions.