Hello world!
Hello, world!
Greetings to all visitors of our new web site.
This is the third version of daisydiskapp.com since the launch of DaisyDisk and sooth to say we hope it’s also the last one :) We definitely plan to tweak/improve it in order to provide even better experience.
And yes, we know that it does not display correctly in Internet Explorer or other stone age browsers, but have no plans to support these.
Creating this site took way longer than we expected. In fact, we planned to launch the site in August ’09, then in September, October and so on. After a few delays we have just started it from the scratch and now you can see what we’ve got so far :)
Here are just three versions of suggested designs (with much more gathering dust in archives), so you can get the idea how the site might have looked like if we launched it earlier.
As you see, now we also have a blog. Leaving it void is a bad idea, just as using it for a sole purpose of announcing new versions, so we decided to make a few articles on DaisyDisk design process and keeping your Mac clean with DaisyDisk.
Stay tuned!